We are immensely proud of the women in our company and we celebrate them this International Women’s Day. Women have played and continue to play an integral role in all areas of our business.
We catch up with Monica Zossimas, our Inventory and Administration Coordinator. Monica is a newlywed and discusses her inspirations, career and marriage in the COVID-19 environment.
Image: Courtesy of Monica Zossimas (Captured on her Wedding Day)
Who inspires you and why?
I am lucky to be surrounded by many inspirational women but one that stands out is my Mum. No matter what curveballs life throws, she takes life as it comes and maintains an easy-going outlook on life.
Her superpower is being able to find a solution to any problem her children may have.
No matter how much she is juggling, she makes it look easy. Having recently married and moved in with my husband, I see just how much Mum did and continues to do for me.
How long have you been with Gregory Jewellers and how has Gregory Jewellers supported you as a woman during this time
I have been with Gregory Jewellers for almost ten years – 3 years in Pandora Burwood and 7 years in Head Office!
I’m lucky to work in a company with a female Co-CEO. It is inspiring to have a figurehead that represents women and ensures that our voices are heard and opinions are respected within the company.
Wedding planning, particularly during a situation like COVID-19 where the goalposts keeping changing, is also never easy! Working for a family business has also ensured that I could balance it and take time off for various appointments.
Image: Courtesy of Gregory Jewellers (Photographed in our Sydney Head Office with our After Sales Manager)
Being a newlywed, what are your tips for balancing work and personal life, particularly with the turmoil that has come with COVID-19?
COVID-19 has definitely impacted our wedding plans, but through the ups and downs we remembered to remain focused on what was most important to us – which is starting our lives together and bringing our families together to celebrate such a happy occasion.
Some tips that have worked well for me and my husband are:
- Ensuring we separate our work and personal lives
One thing we do is encourage each other to make time for fitness. When we go to the gym to mentally switch off and take out the stresses of the day, we come home in a better head space.
- Communication is key!
Everyone mentions this point but it is so important ! Remember to understand that not every day will be 50/50 and some days you may need to pick up that 80/20 because your partner needs you.
- Don’t forget Date night!
Tuesday coffee night has been a part of our routine for years and we make sure we take this time out for each other.
“The heart that loves is always young”
– Greek proverb
I love this quote, it reminds me of the love my grandparents have for one another. If they had to do it all again, they would choose each other every time. My role models for building a marriage that lasts a lifetime
What is an important life lesson you have learnt as a woman?
I’ve learnt that being a strong, successful, independent, barrier-breaking, all-together woman is not an easy achievement. Too often we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others and can start to wear us down.
It is so important to make your happiness a priority – money doesn’t buy happiness after all!
Find happiness within, look for the little things in life that make you and those around you truly happy, make choices that contribute to your happiness, and don’t give weight to any external noise that may cloud your sunshine. When you are happy in yourself, you can face all that life throws at you.
What traits have been essential to your success in Gregory Jewellers?
Definitely being an all-rounder! I have had the pleasure of being a part of Gregory Jewellers and contributing to its success over the years, but it takes a village! I’ve learnt many skills along the way, by taking on different tasks and doing whatever it takes to get the job done.
Particularly in a family business environment, it is important that everyone pitches in and is willing to help where they can.
I have built relationships with colleagues from all functions of the business, which has allowed me to understand how I can better support them.
Image: Courtesy of Monica Zossimas (Captured on her Wedding Day)